2016-11-16 14:08 2016 year Participation

Meeting with the descendants of the Holy New Martyr Mikhail Tikhonitsky

On November 16, 2016, a meeting of representatives of the SO Foundation was held. Protodeacon John (Drobot), the great-grandson of the Holy Martyr Mikhail (Tikhonitsky), glorified in the face of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in 2003. The Tikhonitskys maintained good relations with the Vasnetsovs for many years. Mikhail Vasnetsov, the father of the artist brothers, was the godfather of the future hieromartyr Mikhail Petrovich Tikhonitsky, whom he himself baptized in the Church of the Savior in the village of Oshet, the ancestral village of the Vasnetsovs.

Father John serves in the St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris, and recently he was given the right to bear the Tikhonitsky surname with the permission of his uncle Vadim Elpidiforovich Tikhonitsky, honorary elder of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Father John and his daughter Marianne traditionally came to their ancestral homeland in autumn to honor the memory of the Holy Martyr. After a mutual exchange of opinions and plans, fr. John, on behalf of the Drobots and Tikhonitskys, expressed his intention to develop cooperation with the Vasnetsov Foundation to perpetuate the memory of his ancestor, as well as to join the projects of the Vasnetsov Foundation.