2017 year Projects Objects of creative heritage

June 23 – 26, 2017 "Descendants and legacy" in Abramtsevo

At the end of June 2017, descendants of the surnames of the Abramtsevo (Mamontovsky) art circle gathered in Abramtsevo as part of the Descendants and Heritage Foundation project. More than 100 descendants of the Vasnetsovs, Kiselevs, Mamontovs, Polenovs, Prakhovs, Repins, Serovs, and heirs of other famous surnames gathered from Russia, Europe and the USA in order to resume the ties lost in the past in the modern generation. The program was intense and found support from the management of the Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve. A liturgy was held in the Church of the Savior Not Made with Hands, and master classes in design and applied folk art. The exhibition, opened in the main house of the Mamontovs, presents 50 works by 26 artists of previous years and contemporaries, including from the private collections of the Vasnetsovs, Serovs, Mamontovs, Prakhovs, Polenovs. An extensive conference was held on the prospects of the circle, including its development in new directions close to the professions of current descendants and taking into account modern conditions of public life. We will be glad to launch a new cultural platform and interesting projects uniting generations, talents and ideas with this initiative of the Foundation.
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