fragment of the painting "Heroes", V.M. Vasnetsov, 1898
The Vasnetsovs’ foundation is an heir and successor to cultural and educational values of the family. We strive to create a new format of talent support and make a feasible contribution to the development and preservation of cultural national traditions. We intend to support all the people who share our views and do not forget the past, build the present and look to the future with hope.
Chairman Kuznetsov O.V.
Preservation and popularization of the legacy of the Vasnetsov dynasty, support for cultural and socially significant projects.
The mission of the foundation is to use the Vasnetsovs’ heritage for the growth of Russian national conciousness and development of the creative and cognitive potential of the society. We implement culturally and socially significant projects aimed at spiritual and intellectual development of all generations.
  • Study and preservation of the Vasnetsovs’ heritage as a part of Russian and world culture.
  • Dissemination of the best national traditions in current conditions.
  • Talent support in culture, science, education and arts.
119002, Moscow,
Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, 29/16, office 210
+7 (495) 755 79 32
+7 (499) 249 51 30
Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vasnetsova
+7 (966) 387-87-29
Oleg Vasilyevich Kuznetsov
+7 (495) 755 79 32
+7 (499) 249 51 30 reception
Vasnetsov Cultural Heritage Foundation
№ НКО 7714015340

ОГРН 1167700050044
ИНН 7704342003
КПП 770401001
ОКВЭД 65.23
ОКПО 52724859
Московский банк ПАО Сбербанк
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