fragment of the painting "Joy of the Lord", V.M. Vasnetsov, 1896
We are open to cooperation with the state and society, our principles of cooperation are:
  • we are looking for new approaches and interesting solutions;
  • we support public-private partnership; we work in the regions and abroad;
  • we cooperate with professional partners.
We thank our partners who, with their support, make the work of our Foundation possible.
119002, Moscow,
Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, 29/16, office 210
+7 (495) 755 79 32
+7 (499) 249 51 30
Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vasnetsova
+7 (966) 387-87-29
Oleg Vasilyevich Kuznetsov
+7 (495) 755 79 32
+7 (499) 249 51 30 reception
Vasnetsov Cultural Heritage Foundation
№ НКО 7714015340

ОГРН 1167700050044
ИНН 7704342003
КПП 770401001
ОКВЭД 65.23
ОКПО 52724859
Московский банк ПАО Сбербанк
Р/С 40703810838000003822
К/С 30101810400000000225
БИК 044525225
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